Body Maxx Monkey Pull-Up Bar, Heavy Duty Wall Pull Up Bar And Wall Mounted Chin Up Bar for Men And Women.

Brand: Body Maxx

Product Code: Monkey Pull-Up Bar

Availability: In Stock

Price: INR 2,499.00
  • Body Maxx Monkey Pull-Up Bar is used for Chin Ups and for whole body exercise such as, Latissimus muscles, Shoulder muscles and Biceps.
  • Latissimus muscles: These muscles are in your back.
  • Shoulder muscles: These muscles play a huge role in establishing flexibility and a large range of motion of your arms.
  • Biceps: Biceps are important muscles because they allow your elbows to flex and your forearms to supinate.
  • Dimension 55 x 127 x 45 cms, weight approx 10 kg.

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