The biceps curl is one of the most popular exercises among gym-goers of all vintage and can be done with a variety of different equipment including the cable machine, dumbbells, barbells, E-Z or ‘bent’ bars. They all help strengthen and build-up the brachii muscle in the biceps. The motion of the biceps curl remains more or less the same irrespective of the instrument used and we’re going to explain it using a barbell. Stand up straight holding a barbell with a shoulder-width grip. The palms of your hands should be facing away from your body and your elbows should be close to your torso. This will be your starting position. Exhale and curl the barbell upward by contracting your biceps. Be sure to keep your upper arms stationary; continue raising the barbell until it reaches shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a brief moment. Inhale as you slowly lower the bar to the starting position.


Comented by: 76689 on 2015-12-18 04:40:02

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